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Sheldon Sheldon is offline
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Default Brawn (pig's head)

"Pandora" wrote:
> "pecan" wrote:
> > I managed to get a pig's head which I have
> > turned into brawn, without thinking of the consequences.
> > I live alone, and have three loaves of brawn setting in my
> > fridge, and no idea how to store what I don't eat tomorrow. �
> > Is there an expert out there who can give me some advice?

> I have no idea because the only pig's head I know I left in Turin

If you're still talking about him, and especially in the company of
strangers who don't know him at all and you only superficially, then
in your heart and soul you did not leave him (you're aching to have
him back), and if you are constantly disparaging him that's indicative
that he left/dumped you but you'd take him back in a heartbeat. When
people are in a shack-up relationsip (as averse to a marriage) for so
many years then they are both equally responsible for the machinations
leading to the break up. In a long term marriages it's more likely
that one rather than the other is more responsible for the divorce,
but still both are culpable, and it's really just marginal and
debatable as to who is more culpable. When you are bashing your old
boyfriend at every opportunity and you are obviously exaggerating
because you think it's comical with all your hilarious, childish
outbursts (DDDDD), and he's not even here to tell his side, then you
portray yourself the fool/buffoon. The demise of a long term
relationship is nothing to laugh about. Only an extremely immature
woman makes a spectacle, a public mockery of a relationship in which
she chose to invest a goodly portion of her life... perhaps you should
hook up with TheFatBoy, he also made a spectacle, a public mockery of
his wife's demise... and like you the jackass has not exhibited any
mature decorum either.