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Dave Smith[_5_] Dave Smith[_5_] is offline
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Posts: 477
Default Starbucks closings.

Ed Pawlowski wrote:

> DD is OK but I miss the jelly doughnuts that some of the now long gone
> independent bakeries used to make. Very few good bakeries left in the world.

SOnut shops have done to donuts what pancake restaurants have done to
pancakes. .... ruined them.
We used to get incredible cake donuts from a chain bakery called
Womens Bakery. In the city where I used to live they had one outlet on
the main street and one at a local mall. They really were great donuts,
much better than Tim Hortons or any of the other donut chains. Alas,
they have gone down the tubes.

There are still lots of good bakeries around here, but most of them tend
to be expensive. As I remember things, bakeries used to have quite
reasonable prices. Now they tend to be quite expensive. For instance,
there is a bakery on the next street. It is a small operation that sells
excellent bread, rolls and goodies..... but they aren't cheap. For
instance they sell date squares that are big enough to cut in half and
serve two people. They charge $2.50 for them. It doesn't cost much more
than that for me to make a batch of date squares that would be big
enough for a dozen of those squares..... so $30 per batch.

One of the newer bakeries in town sells incredible bread. It really is
good. It's $5.25 per loaf.