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Dan Abel Dan Abel is offline
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Default Oven roasting artichokes?

In article >,
sf > wrote:

> My grandparents used to go to the farmer's market just for tiny
> artichokes.... then I learned (years after their deaths) that small
> artichokes are a normal part of the plant's production. The biggest
> one is at the top (christmas tree style) and everything else is
> smaller. I've never grown an artichoke plant, so I don't know from
> personal experience... but pffft - for that matter, how many people
> have actually seen broccoli before it has been picked?

It is quite easy to grow broccoli in the back garden for many people.
Artichokes are hard. They do not produce the first season, and they are
easily killed by frost. They also don't like warm weather very well.
There aren't very many places in the world that never freeze but also
don't get hot. Most of the artichokes sold in the US are grown just a
little bit south of you, close to the ocean. If you drive down highway
one to Monterrey, when you pass through Castroville that's where 90% of
the artichokes sold in the US are grown. Most of the rest are grown in
other areas of California. It's worth stopping at one of those
roadsides stands and buying some artichokes. They are generally at the
edge of an artichoke field, so you can see the plants growing.

Dan Abel
Petaluma, California USA