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jj jj is offline
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Posts: 99
Default How many waffle irons do you own?

I made waffles today for the first time in about 15 years. Mmmmmm.
(I did have to take an old toothbrush to the iron and knock off some
funny white encrustations before I commenced battering and steaming)

I was able to roughly match my consumption with my production but it
occurs to me that if one wants to have a stack of hot waffles or there
are several people to feed, one waffle maker is a lonely number.

So I'll be picking up at least a couple more. I'm thinking I'll start
with one of those "flippable" irons that "even" out the top and
bottom. I'm also thinking of getting a Belgian waffle maker and
trying some beer batter for Chicken and Waffles. And I'm looking
forward to making some overnight yeast batter instead of the baking
powder ones I made today.