Omelet > wrote in
> In article >,
>> >> Please do.
>> >
>> > I'll do a repost on a.b.f.
>> Yep........ seen 'em about 15 times now ;-P
> No, I did not repost the sausage series yet!
Ok, I'll wait :-)
> Sorry I screwed up the guinea hen post.
After the 3rd lot came thru; I kinda figgered they'd be the same as the
others, so just deleted them :-)
> I was pretty much wasted.
> I won't make that mistake again. <g>
Posting pics while wasted, or getting wasted??? ;-P
So what did we get wasted on??
>> I don't have a problem with it, having grown up as a kid before bloody
>> synthetic sausage skins.
> Collagen skins are hard to digest and a pain in the ass to work with.
> I give them a pass.
Before I showed the SO the 'light'..... she used to like the 'blah' snags
with synthetic skin.
Not any more :-)
I've got a butcher that still uses real casings, and we know what he puts
in the damn things as well!!!
>> It's on my "to do" list......... I just need another 3 of me to get all
>> the stuff done!!
> So many hobbies, so little time eh? <g>
Not enough hours in the day.
Up at 5.30 this morning, been going like a "bat outta hell" all day.......
and now it's 2.15am.
Having a sleep-in in the morning...... don't have to be up till 06.45.
> I feel your pain...
I have medication for that if you need some ;-P
Peter Lucas
Tell me what you eat and I'll tell you who you are.
Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin