so who *is* that White House chef we heard about?
On Sun, 1 Feb 2009 13:28:59 -0500, Nancy Young wrote:
> blake murphy wrote:
>> On Sat, 31 Jan 2009 12:13:29 -0500, Nancy Young wrote:
>>>> it's not like any recent white house occupants were hurting for
>>>> money. well, maybe clinton and carter. and jerry ford.
>>> Oh, where's my violin? The Clintons hurting for money?
>> not now, but they weren't rich when they got to the white house.
>> they both made some pretty good dough from the books they wrote.
> As I recall, they pulled down some very nice bucks from
> some questionable inside deals. I don't buy that they were
> poor by anyone's yardstick.
> nancy
i didn't say they were poor, just not wealthy.
as for 'questionable deals,' do you mean the moth-eaten whitewater
'scandal,' in which they lost money? aside from the shaky hillary clinton
beef futures deal, most of that was bogus crap stirred up by the right-wing
scaife and his well-paid crew of shit-stirrers.
your pal,