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Joseph Littleshoes[_2_] Joseph Littleshoes[_2_] is offline
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Default Beef stock - first time

Tracy wrote:

> Joseph Littleshoes wrote:
>> Tracy wrote:
>>> So, I finally made beef stock for the first time. It came out awesome.
>>> Not the greatest picture - I used my cell phone.
>>> I followed a recipe on
>>> I mostly followed the recipe except for the potatoes and the
>>> parsnips- I just decided not to put them in. I also brushed the
>>> beef with a bit of tomato paste- something I saw in some other recipes.
>>> When I was in the grocery store with the DH he gave me a hard time
>>> about buying six dollars worth of bones for my "project". Granted, it
>>> is not cheaper to make it yourself, but it certainly tastes better
>>> than canned - by about a million miles.
>>> I will definitely make it again, and again.
>>> I'll freeze some as cubes and the rest will be used for French onion
>>> soup.
>>> Tracy

>> Keep your eyes open for veal shanks or knuckles, once you go veal in
>> your stock you wont want to ever omit it.
>> I like to add tomato paste to meat im browning for soup or stew, but i
>> have never tried putting it on bones before roasting them.
>> In many of the older recipes for stock whole cuts of meat are put into
>> the stock pot along with the bones for an even richer stock. These
>> cuts of meat can be kept whole of chopped into smaller pieces but
>> either way they are often browned in the stock pot with onions, garlic
>> & sometimes tomato paste to form a fond, sometimes onions are cooked
>> to the 'mahogany' dark brown mush stage before any liquid is added to
>> deglaze the fond and incorporate it into the rest of the stock. You
>> end up this way with a 'brown' stock "de jus ou fonds bruns" but
>> nevertheless very, very good.
>> You can do 4 - 5 pounds of roughly sliced onions in a dutch oven, in
>> butter, after about 15 minutes of sauteing the onions in the butter, &
>> a pinch of salt, when they have reduced to about half in volume you
>> put them covered in to a slow oven about 250F to cook for 2 - 3
>> hours. They form a dark, rich mahogany brown mush, and get a nice
>> crusty fond on the bottom of the pan which you then deglaze with wine
>> or other stock, scraping up all the stuck on bits and transfer this to
>> your stock pot to which you then add all the other ingredients and
>> continue form there to create your stock.
>> --
>> JL

> Thanks for the suggestions. I don't recall seeing veal bones, but then
> again, I don't eat veal and I wasn't/never look at that section.
> -Tracy

I don't ordinarily eat veal chops or other cuts of veal, but one time i
got some veal knuckles on sale and put them in the stock pot and i was
amazed! truly amazed! at the difference and improvement they made in the
flavor of the stock.

Add some oyster mushrooms to this veal stock and it only gets better
Veal shanks or knuckles are what i use, but one of my old cook books
will use whole cuts of veal, shoulder or neck for stock.