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Kathleen[_4_] Kathleen[_4_] is offline
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Default Your favorite hot dog joint?

Bob Terwilliger wrote:

> Om wrote:
>>Does she smoke? Nearly everyone I know that has had fibro' has.

> Of the half-dozen people I know who suffer from fibromyalgia, the only
> smoker in the bunch limits her smoking to clove cigarettes.

Deliberately inhaling any kind of smoke is a problem. The carbon
monoxide, a product of combustion, binds to hemoglobin in the blood,
limiting its oxygen carrying capacity. And it takes hour, sometimes
days to clear. And then there's the free radicals.

I don't know how much if any tar and nicotine "clove cigarettes"
contain, so they may or may not have stimulant or adictive properties
but they most assuredly to affect the O2 carrying capacity of the blood
and hence endurance and ability to heal.

You see it in the skin first. It droops, wrinkles, sags, especially in
regions affected by repetitive movements. Around the mouth, for
instance. Smokers pucker, repeatedly, to suck smoke. A long-term
smoker's mouth looks like an anus, with starburst wrinkles all around
from puckering up combined with the skin's inability to rebuild itself
due to damage from lack of oxygen and exposure to free radicals.