On Mon, 02 Feb 2009 15:21:15 -0500, Kate Connally wrote:
> Andy wrote:
>> Your favorite hot dog joint?
>> Watching "Food Paradise: Hot Dogs" and am so very tempted!
>> The Varsity in Atlanta George looks like a winner!
>> No dedicated hot dog place in PA that I know of. 
>> You?
>> Andy
> What I'd give anything to find is a place that makes a
> proper chili cheese dog. I want real shredded cheddar
> on my cheese dog, not Velveeta, American cheese, or that
> horrid cheez whiz type cheese sauce most places use nowadays.
> Blecch! I was a good, all-beef, kosher frank, decent chili
> sauce, and real cheese and some chopped onions. And I want it
> on a decent fresh bun and not a steamed bun as they tend to
> turn all gummy once they're steamed, but maybe that's just
> the "Wonder Bread" type of buns. But I'd still rather have
> the bun lightly toasted or grilled.
> Kate
frank 'n' stein, a chain, has a pretty good version. no toasted bun,
though. i can't find a web site with locations, though.
your pal,