Jeremy's birthday
sf wrote:
> On Mon, 02 Feb 2009 15:36:46 -0700, Gloria P >
> wrote:
>> Damndamndamndamndamndamndamndamndamndamn.
>> How could I be so stoopid!
> OK, now that makes two of you I can say this has happened to i the
> last week or two.
> Have I told you how much I LOVE (and recommend) having different
> software programs for email and new reading???? Those mistakes don't
> happen unless it's a one program fits all situation.
Nah, it was my own fault.
I was reading rfc and decided to email my daughter-in-law.
I clicked on "write" and never noticed that the "to" line
read rfc before I hit "send".
I use Thunderbird and Firefox and should have kn0own better.
gloria p