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blake murphy[_2_] blake murphy[_2_] is offline
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Default o.k., here's something to rile nearly everybody

On Wed, 4 Feb 2009 13:56:57 +0100, Giusi wrote:

>> Nancy Young wrote:

>>>> Not to worry. If Obama gets his way we will have a national database>>>
>>>> which will contain all of our health records like it or not. Of
>>>> course>>> since the smart people in the government will be running it
>>>> there is>>> no possible chance of misuse...
>>> I don't like it. I think we already have that. Once it's in the
>>> doctor's computer, all the insurance companies find out, that's what I >>
>>> think.
>>> nancy

>> They have that but it isn't totally coordinated and an absolute mandate.
>> Of course with the new system important folks like the tax cheats Geitner,
>> Rangle and who else would be exempt from participation. That > was
>> cynical but likely they will be since they have their own ultra > deluxe
>> private health care and retirement system just for them that is > on our
>> tab.

> Paranoid and underinformed both!
> The Feds have had their own gold plated insurance scheme for as long as I
> can remember.
> Your health insurance will work the way the population of citizens require
> it to. Instead of muttering about how it will be, write your Congress reps
> and Sens and say what you find unacceptable.
> As much as Americans are scared to death about "socialized medicine" I, in
> Italy, have all my records and am responsible for keeping them and
> presenting them when needed. I was so used to them being in the various
> doctors' offices that I was careless about this. They have current info
> only. So, see, it doesn't have to be as you imagine. It will be that way
> if no one takes the trouble to express discomfort and follow through.
> Democracy means taking responsibility, right?

plus, if there was a national health system, then no insurance company
could find about your nasty secrets *and cancel your coverage*. you
wouldn't have to worry.

your pal,