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Default Denny's Free breakfast Today!!!! Until 2pm!

Michael "Dog3" wrote:

> "Default User" > news:6uuebgFhfvpdU1
> in
> > blake murphy wrote:
> >
> >
> >> i had a roommate at school who would cook bacon, then turn the heat
> >> up to very high, and fry his eggs until the edges where bubbled up
> >> and crisp. drove me nuts.

> >
> > That's how I like mine. Nice and runny yolk, some good browing on
> > the white. Brown == flavor.

> We were talking about omeletes.

Originally so, but Blake had done a segue to the subject of fried eggs.

> When I make fried eggs I like 'em
> over easy and a bit or brown around the whites like Brian described.
> Awesome fried in bacon grease but if I don't have any I'll settle for
> butter

When I were a young sprat, my mother saved bacon grease, so we could
have our eggs fried properly even if no bacon were cooked at that time.

I once spent the night at a friend's house, and in the morning his
mother prepared bacon and eggs for us. She cooked the bacon, threw away
the grease, wiped out the pan, and fried the eggs in butter. I said
nothing, though, and ate the eggs like a good little guest.

These days, I don't fix bacon much, so eggs do get fried in butter a
lot. Sometimes in sausage grease though, which is not bad either.


Day 1 of the "no grouchy usenet posts" project