Denny's Free breakfast Today!!!! Until 2pm!
Default User wrote:
> When I were a young sprat, my mother saved bacon grease, so we could
> have our eggs fried properly even if no bacon were cooked at that
> time.
Exactly. In my house the container was an empty frozen
orange juice container.
> I once spent the night at a friend's house, and in the morning his
> mother prepared bacon and eggs for us. She cooked the bacon, threw
> away the grease, wiped out the pan, and fried the eggs in butter. I
> said nothing, though, and ate the eggs like a good little guest.
What a waste. Unfortunately I hardly ever have bacon anymore,
but when I do, I save the grease for eggs.
> These days, I don't fix bacon much, so eggs do get fried in butter a
> lot. Sometimes in sausage grease though, which is not bad either.
I think I'll take a package of bacon out of the freezer.