Midwestern wine grapes
On Feb 4, 4:34*pm, "bobdrob" > wrote:
> greetings! *glad your 1st batch was successful... *was it a kit or a pail of
> juice?
> 1) Here in the Boston area, we ( my partners in vine) go into the wholesale
> produce center to brokers who sideline in wine grapes, juices & equipment.. 3
> or 4 brokers handle the less expensive ( insert your qualitative judgment
> here,) Lodi/Central Valley grapes & 5 gal pails of varietal juices. 1 guy
> deals in more upscale grapes from further north. *The largest homebrew
> supplier sells (her opinion) great grapes from Napa ( autumn) & Chilean
> grapes (spring) both on a preorder/pig in a poke basis. She also has fresh
> frozen Italian juices. There's quite a few home vintners here, so we have
> options... *maybe you do too? * A *35# lug of grapes: *$22-$45 depending...
> I don't buy juice but I think its in the $55 a pail range for CV, and
> $$$illy for the imported .
> 2) We don't have guys who offer that service, but I do know that in other
> states folks offer "enhanced processing options." at point of sale.
> 3a) Craig's List/ ebay/ etc? Crusher/destemmers aren't cheap but worth the
> investment if you're a toy-guy in this for the long haul.
> Maybe there's a rental opportunity out there. We bought most of our toys
> from an old timer who was retiring from the grapes & switching to juices;
> he's become a mentor & friend.
> 3b) Join other forums; post for sharing/rentals.
> 3c) Pls don't laugh too hard: *try going to small produce markets whose
> staff are Italian, Portuguese,
> *Spanish *- winedrinking cultures! I've made some good friends & got pointed
> in good directions by conversing with these local guys. "They know this guy
> who wants to get rid of..."
> Start asking questions...google local groups. I'd bet that a local homebrew
> group has a closet vintner or 2 you can pump for info.
> HTH pardon my rambling but I'm home sick, it snowed again last night and
> Nyquil stingers give one a loquacious glow... *regards, bob
> > wrote in message
> ...
> > Greetings, this year I made wine for the first time (with juice) and
> > it appears to have gone well (so far), thanks in part to the kind
> > responses to a post here.
> > I have a dozen year's experience at brewing beer.
> > Next year I would like to go with crushed, destemmed grapes (the
> > proper way). I live in Michigan, which does have a few wineries
> > selling grapes. There are also area stores where I can get California
> > grapes. I got a press from a friend. I have been thinking about making
> > Michigan/California mixes since
> > a) *the California grapes appear, on average, to produce too strong
> > wines for my tastes. Michigan grapes, on the other hand, make too acid
> > wines. I can't remember liking a Michigan bottle, ever
> > b) historically I have liked blended wines
> > c) Michigan wines will certainly have much higher resveratrol content,
> > and possibly more other flavor-inducing compunds
> > Basically, I would like advice on the following
> > 1) how do people in the area (or other cold areas of the country) get
> > their crushed grapes from the South? Frozen? Is it expensive?
> > 2) do you have a local seller who will destem them for you
> > 3) anything else I need to consider or try
> > Thanks for any response.- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -
I destemmed ~ 200 pounds of grapes by hand for years, it's boring
biut not that bad. Depending on how much you want to do that is an
option. You can rub them across a milk crate too but I never tried
that, i just bought a used crusher.
If you blend that high acid Mich with low acid Central Valley fruit
you may have a winner. The local stuff might be high acid loweer brix
and the CA stuff would be the opposite. I would blend after measuring