Lucas is a ******, read on....
....... somedays I just want to kick back and not do a thing, just
spend the day 'laxin. :-)
Since I gave up one of my 'volunteer' jobs, I've found my body has
decided to try pay off it's sleep debt.
Used to shit me to tears whenever some asswipe started to pray for his
My motto is... if God hates you enough to put you in a certain
situation, the best thing you can do is hate him back and fight your
way out of it :-)
If there *is* a God, I'll be having a 'chat' with him when I see him.
Latest sticker on the back of my car (purchased by my SO for
me)...."Hell was full, so I came back"
Peter Lucas/McGrath lives in his own world of fantasy.
This is him with his ugly mole Ruth Grealy.