On Sat, 07 Feb 2009 02:09:50 GMT, Ted wrote:
> "PeterL" > wrote in message
> .25...
>> Does this mean the British Army is full of 'curry munchers'?? :-)
>> Or........ the National dish of England has now become curry!!
>> http://www.news.com.au/story/0,27574...03-401,00.html
>> British army to swap corned beef rations for curry
>> February 06, 2009 11:47pm
>> BRITISH troops in Iraq and Afghanistan will soon be swapping their
>> chocolate bars and corned beef hash for oreos and chicken kormas, in a
>> radical overhaul of army rations.
>> The new menus - including halal, vegetarian and Sikh and Hindu diets - are
>> designed for troops serving in extreme weather conditions, and will be
>> trialled on the front lines from May until October.
>> Among the new additions are chicken tikka masala, the British version of
>> south Asian curries that was once referred to as a "national dish" by
>> former foreign secretary Robin Cook, and Thai green vegetable curry.
>> ...............
> so ****in what?
so what? SO WHAT? it's ****ing wog food, that's what. heavens forfend!
it's eaten by colored people!
your pal,