Use of the word "off" by chefs
On Feb 7, 6:36*am, "Tom Royer" > wrote:
> Having watched more cooking shows that I care to think, I've become curious
> as to the history of usage of the word "off" when describing cooking steps.
> We hear "... to sear off", " bake off", " boil off", " saute
> off", etc. *In every case, the word "off" is superfluous. *Does anyone know
> how this usage came about and why?
It has occurred to me that this usage might reflect the tendency to
think of cooking in steps, and the prep-in-advance mindset of
professional cooks. So, you might hink of breading some cutlets,
browning them, finishing their cooking, making a sauce, reheating the
cutlets in the sauce, and plating them. Rather than doing all those
things one step immediately following the other, a restaurant kitchen
might break the process into several steps done with long waits in
between. Somehow, the "-off" term leans in that direction in my
mind..... -aem