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Andy[_15_] Andy[_15_] is offline
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Default Popovers as dinner

Felice said...

> "Andy" > wrote in message
> ...
>> Felice said...
>>> What else could I do? The new popover pan - six HUGE cups by Chicago
>>> Metallic - came in mid-afternoon. I didn't have anything going for

>> dinner,
>>> and I had some breakfast sausage in the fridge, so I called in
>>> reinforcements (the daughter across the street). Lemme tell you, three
>>> of those popovers make a meal.
>>> Felice

>> Felice,
>> I have the popover pan you mention.
>> The best difference between the popover pan and a cheap-o muffin pan
>> are twofold. First, the depth and second, the angle of the cups.
>> I can sit down and finish off all six popovers in one sitting!!!
>> Best,
>> Andy

> Funny you should mention that. As I watched Junior Daughter wolfing
> three of the six, I wondered if I could do away with all of them by my
> onesies. And not toss them all afterwards.
> Felice
> who as a child once ate a pound of spaghetti on a bet


It's certainly a cholesterol jolt buttering them up with real butter and
eating all six!

You can also get creative, cut them in half (vertically) and fill each half
with vanilla pudding, ice cream, whipped cream, etc.

My compliments on the pound of spaghetti! Did that bet get you off a weeks
worth of KP?

