Growing herbs..... tips for a beginner
tintalle wrote:
> Spring is a long way away still here on The Rock, but after seeing the
> icky slime they have been trying to pass off as fresh herbs at the
> grocery lately it's got me thinking about growing my own. Since we
> bought a house recently i will actually have some real dirt of my own
> to plant things in! I was thinking about setting up a small herb
> garden.
> The most i ever tried before was basil indoors, and it didn't thrive
> in my apartment. What would work well in a small plot outside, or
> even in a series of containers outside? Are there any that i could
> then take indoors and continue to nurse through the winter?
FWIW, I have nice sandy loam. I don't use enough of most herbs to bother
getting seeds for most of them. I go to the garden centre and buy the
potted plants. Most of them prefer full sunlight. Oregano is a
perennial, so once it takes it will keep coming coming back, and getting
bigger and bigger. You can dig out some of the roots to keep it under
control. Mint is a bloody weed. It is nice to have lots of it on hand,
but you need to keep it contained or else it will expand out of control,
take over you garden and possibly the lawn.
Dill and cilantro will start popping up all over. They seed them selves
and will keep coming back.
It doesn't cost much more to buy a potted plant than it does to buy a
small batch of fresh herbs at the grocery store. It is about the same
price as a package of seed, but if you only need on, no point in getting
the seed and having to wait longer for it.