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Dave Smith[_5_] Dave Smith[_5_] is offline
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Default Growing herbs..... tips for a beginner

sf wrote:

> Oregano behaves in my garden.

I started with a one in a small pot. By the end of the second summer it
was more than 2' across. It was starting to overgrow other things, herbs
that I use a lot more of than oregano I had to dig around the roots to
take out the new ones.

>> Mint is a bloody weed. It is nice to have lots of it on hand,
>> but you need to keep it contained or else it will expand out of control,
>> take over you garden and possibly the lawn.

> Mint likes damp feet, so you must be where it rains a lot.

That's where watering comes in handy. For the last few years I have been
growing it in large pots. If they are not watered regularly it withers
right up. Luckily, being basically a weed, a little water brings it
right back to life.

>> Dill and cilantro will start popping up all over. They seed them selves
>> and will keep coming back.

> Parsley too.

I wish. It certainly hasn't in my experience. I have been growing it for
years. I keep hoping that it will grow back and when I don't see any
by late May I go out and buy a new plant, but then one or two pop up. I
can barely manage to keep it going, whereas the cilantro and dill are
like weeds.