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Cuthbert Thistlethwaite Cuthbert Thistlethwaite is offline
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Posts: 120
Default This Phelps thing. A question.

Kathleen wrote:

> Cuthbert Thistlethwaite wrote:

> > Gregory Morrow wrote:

> >>But what is really disgusting is that people are so quick to give him a pass
> >>on this one.

> > What is really disgusting is not that many people don't care about
> > Phelps' bong, but the stubborn persistence of booze-soaked, cross-eyed,
> > religion-addled republican "values". Red-nose lush family values.

> > I have long wondered whether bone-head religions cause heavy drinking,
> > or whether heavy drinking causes bone-head religions. It might be sort
> > of a mix, back and forth, in a vicious and endless causal circle.

> From a strictly medical standpoint I've seen lots of people drink
> themselves to death. In point of fact, to kill yourself with weed you'd
> need about a three hundred pound bale, hoisted approximately 50 feet up
> then have it dropped directly onto your head.

Ha! You got that right! Yet, if Phelps had been photographed with a
case of stoopid booze under one arm and a stoopid Bible under the other,
it would add to his legend in the twisted little minds of the
republican-values morons.

> >>Phelps, like it or not should realise he has a responsibility to
> >>set an example just because of the mere fact he is a public figure.

> > Phelps' example is fine: He appeared to be using the bong perfectly
> > correctly.

> > As for Kellogg's, I had some Nutrigrain cereal bars in the cabinet,
> > which I cut up and mixed into the bird seed. The downtown Chicago birds
> > will think it's a nice treat. And I wrote Kellogg's and told them where
> > I put the Nutrigrain, and where to shove their prissy religious and
> > republican horse crap.

> What I wonder is exactly who is making their purchasing decisions based
> on dumbass crap like this? Am I more likely to buy cornflakes because
> Phelps is on the box? Uh, nope. Am I less likely to buy cornflakes
> because he was photographed doing bong hits at a party? Nope.

> Phelps is irrelevant to me, except that I feel sorry that he's been hung
> out to dry for something that I suspect that a whopping percentage of
> Americans under 50 would have to cop to, hand up, in front of God.

Right, their endorsements had nothing to do with my grocery list. They
have, however, managed to get themselves kicked off the list
altogether. I am now entirely unlikely to purchase Kellogg products
because they have demonstrated themselves to be willing stooges of the
republican retards and the superstitious religions.

> I'd much rather know who is blowing off health inspections, ignoring
> reports of salmonellla contamination and doesn't worry much about rodent
> droppings in their product.

You can forget about it. We can all forget about it. To the economic
equation, sickened and killed consumers are just an "externality."
Irrelevant, like a sawn-down rain forest, which makes way for a palm-oil
plantation so someone can make some more money.