Thread: Karma??
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Arri London Arri London is offline
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Default Karma??

Dave Smith wrote:
> Late Friday night there were three serious fires in Ottawa that gutted a
> number of commercial buildings. One of them was at my nephew's video
> store. The fire started in a hair salon and spa upstairs but his shop
> was totally destroyed. What didn't burn was damaged by smoke and water.
> It was arson.
> <snip>
> Early the next morning, Ottawa police were called to a disturbance at a
> hotel in the city hotel and arrested 5 men. One of them had serious
> burns to 90% of his body. At least two of them have now been charged
> with arson.

Good luck to your nephew in restarting the business.
We had a local house fire last week, caused by a burglar trying to rob
the place. Said perp died in that fire; none of the occupants were at
home at the time.