On Mon, 09 Feb 2009 00:20:02 GMT, Don wrote:
> "PeterL" > wrote in message
> .25...
>> merryb > wrote in news:ff982bcc-30f7-43e0-b9b3-
>> :
>> .
>>>> Do you see the correlation between A) and B)???
>>>> Probably not, so I'll point it out for you.
>>>> Kids look up to their "hero's" and do what they do, say what they say,
>>>> etc, etc.
>>>> Have you got grandkids about the age of 12+??
>>>> Would you like them to take up smoking dope because 'their hero Phelps
>>>> does it'?
>>> No, but I have kids. If they decide to smoke as adults, then that is
>>> their choice.
>> And if they decide (as children) to take up smoking dope because their
>> "hero" Phelps does it....??
>>> I have a 22 year old that has never even tried it...
>> It's an adult, perfectly able to make it's own decision. But I applaude
>> the fact that it has never tried it.
>> I'm 52 and have never 'tried it' either.
> And here is you saying you are a man of the world and an ex-super soldier.
> You are a pussy Lucas.
he's afraid dope would interfere with his razor-sharp instincts and
reaction times of a trained killer. unlike, say, wine.
after all, it's a little late for him to worry about it making him stupid.
your pal,