This Phelps thing. A question.
On 08 Feb 2009 22:25:44 GMT, Michael "Dog3" wrote:
> "Gregory Morrow" >
> m: in
>> That makes the whole Kellogg's thang "moot"...but natcherly the
>> moralistic windbags had to "make hay" outta the whole incident.
> I stil think they should throw the "moralistic windbags" a crumb and
> allow them to flog Phelps in the town square. Can you just see it?
> Phelps strung up in his Speedos surrounded by a bunch of pinch faced old
> biddies, and rotund balding men shaking their fat, sausage like fingers at
> him?
> Michael
....and a few slackers hanging back of the crowd smoking a joint.
your pal,