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T[_5_] T[_5_] is offline
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Posts: 720
Default This Phelps thing. A question.

In article >,
> Dave Smith >
> m: in
> > Dave to one of the PeterL people:

> > And surely you can get it through your head that laws can be changed.
> > Booze was illegal in the US for a while. The law changed. Pot is
> > illegal now. There is no good reason for it. If it is a matter of
> > morality, like the Prohibition of liquor was, then legalizing one vice
> > sets a precedent. Opening stores on Sundays used to be illegal too.
> > That law changed.

> Exactly. A lot of it has to do with tax revenues also. When the coffers
> start to run dry a new source of tax revenue needs to be found. Voila,
> alcohol was then legal. When that was taxed to death something else
> needed to be found. It goes on and on. I suspect when government finds a
> way to regulate weed sales the sale of it will become legal and a whole
> new source of tax revenue will be generated. They'd better be quick. Tax
> revenue on tobacco sales is shrinking because fewer people are smoking.
> Michael
> --
> ?He who does not understand your silence will probably not understand
> your words.?
> ~Elbert Hubbard
> You can find me at: - michael at lonergan dot us dot com

Here is a nice chart showing the lethal dosage for varying drugs and
alcohol. Alcohol as it turns out is fairly toxic stuff.