Thread: Dinner tonight
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Bob Terwilliger[_1_] Bob Terwilliger[_1_] is offline
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Default Dinner tonight

Thai fried chicken (that recipe koko posted)
Jasmine rice
Thai cucumber salad
Pumpkin in coconut milk
Kiwi with tamarind syrup

The chicken thighs have been soaking up the garlic-cilantro goodness since
last night.

The pumpkin recipe is an interesting one. It's slightly sweet and quite
coconutty, but flavored with shallots, black pepper, dried shrimp and fresh
shrimp, so it's not at all like a dessert.

I might make Thai iced tea. I do have the tea, but I don't have
half-and-half. I need to go shopping today anyway, so maybe I'll just pick
up a carton of half-and-half while I'm at the store. But I've got
half-a-dozen other tropical iced tea options, so I haven't fully decided
what I'm going to do for a beverage.

My mind is not fully set on the kiwi dessert, either. I *will* have the
kiwis, but it might be with passionfruit syrup instead or it might just be
kiwi chunks "au naturel". They're fresh from a local farmer, and they ought
to be good on their own.
