Thread: Karma??
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Sqwertz Sqwertz is offline
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Default Karma??

Dave Smith > wrote:

> Late Friday night there were three serious fires in Ottawa that gutted a
> number of commercial buildings. One of them was at my nephew's video
> store. The fire started in a hair salon and spa upstairs but his shop
> was totally destroyed. What didn't burn was damaged by smoke and water.
> It was arson.
> This came at an especially hard time for my nephew and his wife. She had
> just quit a good paying job to work full time in the store. Luckily,
> they had insurance and are planning to re-open, but it will be a few
> months before they can open up again. They haven't even been able to get
> into the building to see how bad things are.

I hate to break it to your son, but video stores aren't the best
business to be in these days. He should have kept his other job.

> Early the next morning, Ottawa police were called to a disturbance at a
> hotel in the city hotel and arrested 5 men. One of them had serious
> burns to 90% of his body. At least two of them have now been charged
> with arson.

I just don't see a guy breaking into a upstairs nail salon, setting
it on fire, then wallowing around in the resulting fire just for
some sort of perverse sexual gratification.

Is there any relation ot the nail salon fire? Better yet - dis
there anything about tis that is food related, or do you just not
have any friends to talk to about this stunning revelation?

ObFood: Poor-mans canned salmon (that would be mackeral) and
American cheese sandwich for lunch. It seemed like what I wanted to
eat at the time...
