Thread: Salt Question
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Chemiker Chemiker is offline
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Default Salt Question

On Sun, 8 Feb 2009 17:53:12 -0700, "SteveB" >

>Today, I cooked some baked potatoes. I have been wanting to bake some like
>they serve at Red Lobster, with the large salt granules on them. When I got
>the Kosher Salt out, it was not really large coarse grained like that at Red
>Lobster. It was larger than regular salt, but not as large as I wanted.
>The next thing I have is water softener salt, which I could grind up a bit,
>as those are too large. Is there a salt that is somewhere in between that
>is available right out of the box? If I grind up the softener salt, I will
>have a good bit of waste, but no worry, as it is cheap. It would just be
>easier to use a product that is right from the get go.

If you have an oriental market or grocers' supply nearby,
a good and inexpensive product is sea salt under the name
of Wang. It comes in both fine and coarse grinds. It (the
coarse) has that texture you are looking for.

