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Kathleen[_4_] Kathleen[_4_] is offline
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Default This Phelps thing. A question.

Michael "Dog3" wrote:

> Dave Smith >
> m: in
>>Dave to one of the PeterL people:

>>And surely you can get it through your head that laws can be changed.
>>Booze was illegal in the US for a while. The law changed. Pot is
>>illegal now. There is no good reason for it. If it is a matter of
>>morality, like the Prohibition of liquor was, then legalizing one vice
>>sets a precedent. Opening stores on Sundays used to be illegal too.
>>That law changed.

> Exactly. A lot of it has to do with tax revenues also. When the coffers
> start to run dry a new source of tax revenue needs to be found. Voila,
> alcohol was then legal. When that was taxed to death something else
> needed to be found. It goes on and on. I suspect when government finds a
> way to regulate weed sales the sale of it will become legal and a whole
> new source of tax revenue will be generated. They'd better be quick. Tax
> revenue on tobacco sales is shrinking because fewer people are smoking.

I could get behind legalizing it. Legitimize the growers, make 'em
claim their income, cut the criminals and importers out of the loop and
tax the bejesus out of the end product.