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PeterL[_10_] PeterL[_10_] is offline
external usenet poster
Posts: 22
Default Apology, Announcement and Goodbye (for now!)

After a long thought and discussion with the SO, I have decided the
time has come to swallow my pride (a little anyway!) and change the
way my presence is felt in this fine group. The stalker/trolls are too
many in number and too persistent in their work to compete with.

Add to that my ISP has received one too many complaints and no longer
listens to my explanations that they are only from frauds, liars and

This means that from this point onwards I will have no choice but to
post to RFC using Google Groups instead of my ISP's news server . This
*also* means the stalker/trolls will now almost certainly use my ISP's
server to forge my posts in future since those stalkers within Aus can
freely access it.

For those too slow or too lazy to work the headers out, this means ANY
posts claiming to be from me that originate from the
domain are confirmed fake posts. I cannot make it any plainer than

I will still read the messages in RFC and maybe even send posts too
but ONLY from google groups until I can find a proper news server run
by someone with half a brain. Besides, I already miss XNews! ;-)

Be Well.

Peter Lucas

Smoking kills. If you're killed, you've lost a very
important part of your life - Brooke Shields