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Dan Abel Dan Abel is offline
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Default Boycotting Kellogs

In article > ,
Dave Smith > wrote:

> Some people have trouble with the term "marriage", because it is
> traditionally a a union between a man and a woman. Where I have trouble
> is with the claim to the *right* to have children. For me, it is a
> matter of biology.... sexual intercourse between a man and a woman.
> There is no *right*. So that leaves adoption.

And artificial insemination, which is popular with *** women. Doesn't
work well for *** men couples.


Note that a marriage between and man and a woman doesn't guarantee
children. Sometimes artificial insemination and adoption are involved
there also.

> I don't dispute that some *** couples, male or female, are quite capable
> of raising normal, healthy children. Some of them , many of them, will
> be better suited for it that some straight couples. However... lets
> consider reality. Adoptions don't always go well. If adopted by a ***
> couple, you can bet your bottom dollar that one of those screwe dup kids
> is going to claim that he/she was molested. And I am not saying that the
> molestation would happen, only that some kid in that situation is going
> to make the claim. So what government is going to want to take
> responsibility for that?

I don't know about Canada, but in the US, as I understand it, a *** man
or a *** woman can adopt a child without a problem. It's just ***
couples that are a problem. Also, many children are adopted at birth.
If the kid gets screwed up, it's the parents' fault. For another also,
child molestation is child molestation. It doesn't matter what sex the
kid or parent(s) are, or what the sexual orientation of the parent(s)
are. It's just plain illegal.

> I have no big problems with homosexuality. It's really none of my
> business, bit I do have issues with the *right* to have children when it
> involves adoption because it is a biological function and and not a
> state matter.

In the US, adoption is always a State matter, and I don't see how
adoption is a biological function.

Dan Abel
Petaluma, California USA