Thread: IR thermometers
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Pete C. Pete C. is offline
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Default IR thermometers

SteveB wrote:
> Anyone use them? At times, I want to check if a pan is hot (I have
> electric, so it's a guess) Other times, I want to check the temp of a lot
> of stuff. But then, the surface temp may be totally different from the
> interior temp. Does anyone have one and use it? Share your experiences
> with me.
> Steve

Greatest thing since sliced bread... probably greater. I got one of the
Harbor Freight IR guns (item 91778) intending it for use in my shop, but
it quickly got dedicated to the kitchen and I got another for the shop.
The specs rated it to something like 500 degrees, but they are
incorrect, it works fine up to ar least 1,200 degrees (charcoal in the
smoker), the temp confirmed with my far more expensive Fluke meter with
thermocouple probe.

An IR thermometer won't replace an instant read or meat thermometer
where you need core temperature, but it handles any liquid you're
stirring (so the temps are even), pan temps, pizza stone temps, etc.
beautifully and without requiring cleaning after each measurement.