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Ed Pawlowski Ed Pawlowski is offline
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Posts: 12,851
Default Boycotting Kellogs

"Dave Smith" > wrote in message
> Ed Pawlowski wrote:
>> "Dan Abel" > wrote in message
>>> Knowing that same phrase as you quoted, I decided that 55
>>> was safest. He dinged me for it! In fact, I read somewhere lately
>>> (don't ask me where), that in some state in the US, they can actually
>>> *flunk* you for driving 15mph or more below the speed limit during your
>>> driving test!

>> As well they should. Driving 15 below is also a ticketable offence
>> (weather permitting) as it is unsafe and can cause an accident worse than
>> speeding.

> Speed limits are upper limits, not lower limits. There may be an argument
> that driving excessively slow is especially dangerous in combination with
> other traffic that travelling excessively fast. Speed alone does not
> necessarily cause accidents, but accidents at high speed cause more
> damage, more injuries and more deaths.

Perhaps in Canada, but in the US, the Interstate system has a lower limit.
It is not posted, but it is on the books. A guy I used to work with was
stopped once (CT State Police) for going to slow and he was given a
warning. Very rare, but it does happen. It is a safety hazard.