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Andy[_15_] Andy[_15_] is offline
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Default Boycotting Kellogs

Ed Pawlowski said...

> "Dave Smith" > wrote in message
> m...
>> Ed Pawlowski wrote:
>>> "Dan Abel" > wrote in message
>>>> Knowing that same phrase as you quoted, I decided that 55
>>>> was safest. He dinged me for it! In fact, I read somewhere lately
>>>> (don't ask me where), that in some state in the US, they can actually
>>>> *flunk* you for driving 15mph or more below the speed limit during
>>>> your driving test!
>>> As well they should. Driving 15 below is also a ticketable offence
>>> (weather permitting) as it is unsafe and can cause an accident worse
>>> than speeding.

>> Speed limits are upper limits, not lower limits. There may be an
>> argument that driving excessively slow is especially dangerous in
>> combination with other traffic that travelling excessively fast. Speed
>> alone does not necessarily cause accidents, but accidents at high speed
>> cause more damage, more injuries and more deaths.

> Perhaps in Canada, but in the US, the Interstate system has a lower
> limit. It is not posted, but it is on the books. A guy I used to work
> with was stopped once (CT State Police) for going to slow and he was
> given a warning. Very rare, but it does happen. It is a safety hazard.

The posted speed limit is null and void if everyone is driving 90mph since
the posted speed limit would become the slow speed hazard. This can be
routinely witnessed on the New Jersey Turnpike!!! Bumper to bumper! About
like driving at Daytona International Speedway!!!

