Thread: IR thermometers
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Cindy Hamilton[_2_] Cindy Hamilton[_2_] is offline
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Default IR thermometers

On Feb 9, 9:49*pm, "SteveB" > wrote:
> Anyone use them? *At times, I want to check if a pan is hot (I have
> electric, so it's a guess) *Other times, I want to check the temp of a lot
> of stuff. *But then, the surface temp may be totally different from the
> interior temp. *Does anyone have one and use it? *Share your experiences
> with me.
> Steve

No, if I want to find out the temperature of a pan, I drip a few drops
of hot
water into it. The sizzle tells me what I need to know.

Ok, so the IR thermometer will tell you the temperature. Can you
that to "it's ready to add the pancake batter", or whatever the task
at hand
might be?

Cindy Hamilton