Need help on eating healthier
On Tue, 10 Feb 2009 14:39:56 +0000, AnthonyS11 wrote:
> 'Jeßus[_11_ Wrote:
>> ;1268597']On Mon, 09 Feb 2009 20:47:09 -0800, Mark Thorson wrote: -
>> d in supermarkets is from young
>> animals, only a year or two old. It costs too much money to keep the
>> animals alive until maturity. The flesh of these young animals is
>> packed-
>> I'm surprised you didnt suggest he eat high meat G.
> The first thing you should do is get rid of sugary cereal, such as
> frosted flakes. Replace with Kashi or other high fiber cereal.
He may well be better off removing some or all grains, let alone 'cereal'.
> Also,
> choose non fay yogurt. The little things make a huge difference.
What benefit would low fat yoghurt have over normal untainted yoghurt?