"pltrgyst" > wrote in message
> On Mon, 9 Feb 2009 21:40:35 -0500, "Dee Randall" >
> wrote:
>>Sorta in a quandry here. I've been looking at Alton Brown's angled Shun
>>knives. I've never owned a Shun knife, but I'm beginning to feel that
>>bought too many individual knives - See
>>http://forums.egullet.org/index.php?showtopic=120883 :-)))
>>I feel that I'd like them. There is a set for $300; and one knife would
>>cost anywhere from $60 to $100. I know that it is false economy to buy
>>several when one hasn't even tried one, but I guess that's the big tease.
>>know that if I buy one of the set of seven, then I wouldn't buy the whole
>>set with a repeat of the one I already had.
>>I haven't seen a bad review on the 'angled' Alton Brown knives.
> I have a Shun and a Kasumi, and like them both. I've tried the Shun chef's
> granton, and felt that it didn't have enough kullens to be effective.
> I definitely don't like the Alton Brown Shuns. IMO, the angle is a major
> negative, unless you've got a really low work surface. If you don't, I
> believe
> it could lead to serious wrist problems. Even though I'm 6'3"+, since I
> usually
> work on a four-inch thick block on top of my counter, I couldn't possibly
> use
> these knives.
> OTOH, I've also tried the Ken Onion chef's, with the reverse angle/drop,
> and
> didn't like it either.
> My recommendation would be to get your hands on one of the Brown Shuns and
> play
> with it on a surface at the height of your normal working surface before
> buying.
> -- Larry
Funny how things happen. I forwarded our emails to DH and he started
looking at videos and emails and thought the AB Shuns were great, and
ordered them. This was the fastest purchase I've seen him make -- usually
he drags the feet.
A silly aside which means nothing:
Well, he USED to be 6'3, but has shrunk to 6'1 ;-)) I don't think his hands
(or head) has shrunk, tho.
So a set of AB angles is on the way. :-))
Thanks, Larry.
Dee Dee