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Anders Tørneskog Anders Tørneskog is offline
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Posts: 340
Default Question: What does Cabernet mean?

The Cabernet Sauvignon is a cross between Cabernet Franc and Sauvignon
Cabernet might be from "Carbonet" - "Coalblack" according to Wein-plus


"Nils Gustaf Lindgren" > skrev i melding
> Hello,
> Delving into wine history I come upon a conundrum, namely, the name
> cabernet. I find it recorded, for Cabernet Sauvignon, first in 1736
> (earlier apparently it was called petit vidure). However, I find no
> indication of the provenience of the word "cabernet". Sauvignon, OTOH,
> would indicate somthing wild, sauvage - untrue, as the grape is a
> crossing, most likely form the vineyard, but, udnerstandable.
> Does anybody know?
> Cheers
> Nils