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Andy[_15_] Andy[_15_] is offline
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Default Need help on eating healthier

FFFF said...

> This was the best forum I could find to post this in. I'm a 21 year old
> male from Michigan and would like to have more energy and keep my body
> in good shape. The food I generally eat
> Daily: A bowl of cereal such as frosted cheerios, raisin bran, frosted
> flakes, or honey bunches of oats with skim milk.
> A YOPLAIT! yogurt either an original or thick and creamy.
> A carrot/celery stick, some grapes or a banana, an apple or an orange.
> A couple graham crackers with peanut butter/ or a wheat toast.
> Throughout the week I usually have:
> About 3 meals of eggs, maybe once a week with bacon.
> usually about 1 or 2 meals of a meat like chicken or meatballs, often
> microwaved.
> the rest of the food tends to be candy or frozen dinners like hot
> pockets.
> Nearly the only thing I drink is bottled water, maybe once in a while a
> glass of orange juice from a random grocery store.
> Keep in mind that I have pretty much no knowledge of cooking anything,
> the only thing I've ever cooked were eggs and canned soup. So the more
> simple the preparations the better.
> As long as I'm eating healthy I don't really care what the food tastes
> like because I feel being healthy is more important than enjoying what
> I am eating.

OK... my turn to add 2¢.

* I'd cut out the sugar'd cereals in favor of their plain counterparts.
* Cut out high fructose corn syrup products. It's genetically designed to
trick the brain into thinking that you're still hungry, when you've
actually overeaten.
* Cut way down on the salt, or at best don't exceed your daily requirement.
* Don't drink sodas!
* Don't drink caffeine!
* Eat fake ("Eggbeaters").
* Eat whole grain breads (watch out for HFCS).
* Look out for hydrogenated "anykindof" oils in the ingredients. THe main
source of trans fats.
* Don't eat fast foods.
* Get a diet software program, "DietPower" comes to mind, and meticulously
record every atom (calorie Very useful for tracking any vitamin
deficiencies that can be supplemented, with your doctor's approval of
* Preference your daily fat intake: Mono, then Poly then Sat grams.
* Get a food scale and follow food label portion sizes!
* Eat less processed in favor of fresh foods.
* Snack on stuff like celery and bell peppers. They're hard to chew and
your jaw will hurt some, causing a loss of interest in eating constantly.
* Eat a good breakfast and less of lunch and dinner. Fuel up for the day
and your body will thank you.
* Switch out real mayo for miracle whip free and switch over to fat free
* Snack on natural crispbread with hummus dip (or pesto) or something
* Bake, instead of fry.
* Don't 100% ("Total" breakfast cereal) or multivitamin all at breakfast.
No point in OD'ing vitamins the rest of the day.

That's it for now.

