"Over easy egg" [Was: IR thermometers]
Phred wrote:
> In article >, "SteveB" > wrote:
> [snip]
>> My mother in law is 86. She still burns fried potatoes. She cannot cook an
>> over easy egg. [...]
> G'day Steve,
> This is something I've meant to ask here for some time. I'm reminded
> of it every time I cook eggs. So allow me to demonstrate my ignorance:
> Just what the hell *is* an "over easy egg" that you mob go on about?
> I often fry an egg and toss it over briefly to "seal" the top before
> sticking it on a slice of toast. The yolk is still fairly runny.
> I've often wondered if that is "over easy". {And I confess that "an
> egg" is usually two eggs; and the toast is buttered -- but don't tell
> my quack! :-)
> Cheers, Phred.
*GOOD* question I also await the answer/s with interest .