Thread: Valentines Day
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Cindy Hamilton[_2_] Cindy Hamilton[_2_] is offline
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Default Valentines Day

On Feb 10, 5:58*pm, (Victor Sack) wrote:
> Cindy Hamilton > wrote:
> > We don't celebrate Hallmark holidays.

> What holiday is not a Hallmark holiday, then? *St. Valentine's Day
> certainly has a very long tradition, harking back to the Middle Ages.
> Its premise may be silly and unnecessary, but it has very little to do
> with Hallmark and other commercialisation. *You are not the first to
> invoke Hallmark in this context on rfc, and I already had an occasion to
> point to Sir Walter Scott's fairly extensive description of the holiday:
> <>.
> One of the dishes mentioned by Walter Scott was "juice of the meat, held
> a delicacy."
> Victor

Well, the classic Hallmark Holiday is Sweetest Day. However, we
from observing many other holidays whose principal purpose appears to
to sell cards, candy, and flowers. It's not like we wake up and say
February 14. Time to show each other some love." We pretty much
do that every day. It's worked fine for 20 years.

I do recall that Valentine's day 1999 (or was it 1998?) was celebrated
the crawlspace, snaking out the kitchen drain. He used the snake, and
I pushed the buckets of sludge over to the hatch and dumped them out.
(Well, not right by the hatch. Out in the compost pile. By spring
it was fully decomposed.) No greater love hath a woman...

Cindy Hamilton