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Arri London Arri London is offline
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Default Anyone into tapas, mezze etc?

Victor Sack wrote:
> Arri London > wrote:
> > Could use more ideas for simple
> > things to prepare, from any cuisine.

>Check out cicchetti, little snacks, as served in Venetian bacari bars.
> Here is an introduction: <>.

TYVM...obviously need to expand my vocabulary as well as my repertoire

> Consider also traditional Russian zakuski (hors d'oeuvres, which, like
> the original French counterparts, used to be served "outside" the main
> meal), such as the various smoked, salted, marinated, or pickled fish
> (herring, salmon, sturgeon, eel, halibut, etc.), pickled vegetables,
> such as cucumbers and tomatoes, aubergine caviar, various kinds of pté,
> headcheese, pickled or marinated mushrooms of various kinds. Also
> pirozhki (filled savoury pastries) which can be served hot or cold.

True enough. There is a Russian cookbook in the house somewhere We do
the fishy things and am working on more tiny pastry things. Fussy but a
little more fun for Maman.
> Then there is the Swedish smørgåsbord, also with pickled, marinated,
> smoked, or fermented fish (gravad lax, strömming, etc.), crab, prawns,
> and with fermented milk products (yoghurt, etc.). There is generally
> more meat (such as ham and sausage) and cheese products, though.
> Victor

Yes Phil mentioned that. We just made a batch of gravad lax and smoked
fish is always welcome around here. Cheese isn't that much of a problem
other than not going overboard on the saturated fats.

Should look into open-faced sandwiches too, on smaller slices of bread.