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Bob Terwilliger[_1_] Bob Terwilliger[_1_] is offline
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Posts: 11,044
Default Alton Brown's brussels sprouts

notbob wrote:

>> Bob, amused at the irony of an American providing elementary sauce
>> information to somebody living in France

> Notbob, amused that someone would assume that everyone living in France
> knows anything about cooking. It's not genetic, Bob.

Wim isn't French, so genetics shouldn't be a consideration. But people in
France tend to take cooking a lot more seriously than people in the USA, and
their average knowledge of sauces is markedly higher. It's cultural, not
genetic. Wim is probably here at least partly because he's trying to learn
more about cooking, and that increased knowledge will help him get along
better in his surroundings.
