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Pennyaline[_7_] Pennyaline[_7_] is offline
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Posts: 480
Default OT the most insulting comnmerical

Lynn from Fargo wrote:
> OK - Here's Lynn on her soapbox . . .
> Advertising prescription drugs to potential consumers is immoral and
> frequently offensive. Hundreds of millions of dollars are spent by
> pharmaceutical companies to elicit billions and billions of dollars in
> profits. I believe that is criminal. And I know that it disgusts me.

I don't believe it's immoral, but I do believe it's irresponsible.
Prescribers are already aware of new meds and procedures long before the
commercial makes the air, and have already decided whether they are
right for a patients condition.

I do believe that the drug companies outrageous profits generated by
advertising and promotions to lay audiences *are* criminal, given the
price of medications. I don't care when they go on and on about how much
money is invested in R&D, because it pales by comparison to how much the
CEO takes home.