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Jinx Minx Jinx Minx is offline
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Posts: 368
Default OT the most insulting comnmerical

"Dave Smith" > wrote in message
> Lynn from Fargo wrote:
>> OK - Here's Lynn on her soapbox . . .
>> Advertising prescription drugs to potential consumers is immoral and
>> frequently offensive. Hundreds of millions of dollars are spent by
>> pharmaceutical companies to elicit billions and billions of dollars in
>> profits. I believe that is criminal. And I know that it disgusts me.
>> Lynn in Fargo

> I am not so sure that it is not a bad idea for people to be aware of
> medications that might be of some benefit to them. It might even inspire
> some people to go and see a doctor about a condition in time for it to be
> treated. An added benefit is that the ads tell of the possible side
> effects of the medication. Most doctors don't go into great detail about
> those side effects. Besides, it may be preferable to some of the other
> practises used by drug companies. I have heard it said that pharmacists
> know which drug company sales reps have been in town by the prescriptions
> they are filling. They use all sorts of enticements to get doctors to
> prescribe their products.
> It wasn't so long ago that some people were terribly offended by adds for
> feminine hygiene products. Yet, if it weren't for those adds, some women
> would not be aware that those types of products were even available.

Are you kidding me?! Perhaps MEN might not be aware of the different types
of products, but you're completely out of touch with reality if you think a
woman wouldn't. How patronizing.
