"Over easy egg" [Was: IR thermometers]
Gloria P wrote:
> Phred wrote:
>> Just what the hell *is* an "over easy egg" that you mob go on about?
>> I often fry an egg and toss it over briefly to "seal" the top before
>> sticking it on a slice of toast. The yolk is still fairly runny.
>> I've often wondered if that is "over easy". {And I confess that "an
>> egg" is usually two eggs; and the toast is buttered -- but don't tell
>> my quack! :-)
> That's it, over easy!
> Over easy = flipped briefly, soft, runny yolk.
> Over hard = flipped long enough for hard yolk
> Sunny-side-up = not flipped, but perhaps basted with the pan fat
> to slightly seal the yolk.
That seems to be the best explanation so far. Personally, I like them
sunny side up, with the yolks runny, the white a little on the snotty
side, and the bottom not burned and crispy. Actually, I prefer my eggs
poached, and not served with water all over them.