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Dave Smith[_5_] Dave Smith[_5_] is offline
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Posts: 477
Default OT the most insulting comnmerical

Nancy Young wrote:

>> My intestines react badly to some medications, like aspirin,
>> anti-imflammatory drugs and strong antibiotics. I was prescribed
>> Naproxin for tendonitis and it made my guts so weird that I preferred
>> to tolerate the pain from the ailment than the gastric problems from
>> the medication.

> I had a horrible reaction to a medication, too. It was like that
> joke where someone stomps on your foot so you forget you
> had a headache. I'm more than a little leery of those side effects
> that hardly anyone gets, but if you're that one, you'll be sorry.

My wife had a very serious condition develop. She started suffering from
vascilitis. She had little red spots on, mostly on her feet and lower
legs. It was capillaries popping. It can be a very serious condition.
They had her going to dermatologists and renal specialists because
between the vascilitis and the stoeroids used to treat it there was
serious risk of kidney damage. She was taking antihistamines for her
allergies, arthritis medication and HRT. She was eventually sent to a
doctor who specializes in arthritis and vasculitis and her took her off
all her medication. It cleared up.

She started drinking sour cherry juice, which is supposed to be a good
natural treatment for arthritis and seemed to be doing pretty good. She
recently started taking a new medication for the arthritis and, fingers
crossed, no vascilitis.