Thread: Rosie's Diner
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Kris[_1_] Kris[_1_] is offline
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Default Rosie's Diner

On Feb 12, 4:21*am, Andy > wrote:
> Rosie's Diner
> Another diner showcased on "Food Paradise: Diners" was Rosie's Diner,
> Michigan, US.
> They asked how the diner got the name "Rosie's" I immediately thought of
> "Rosie the Riveter." The women of wartime industry who helped win WWII. Well
> it turns out it was Rosie from the Bounty paper towel TV commercials.
> Was I ever disappointed!!!
> One other thing that surprised me is their menu. They don't serve breakfast.
> That's not diner politically correct is it?
> Been there?
> Andy

OK, now this is getting strange. I live in Grand Rapids, MI and
Rosie's is in Rockford (northern suburb).

It was a diner from the East Coast, originally IIRC. Moved to
Rockford. But before they moved it, they filmed the famous Rosie
Bounty paper towel commercials in them.

I've been there. Pretty standard diner food, plus good ice cream
desserts. Not tons of seating, as I guess old diners weren't huge.
Looks it age a little (by that I mean the seat upholstery is getting
cracked, as I love vintage stuff in general).

Last time I was there the owner had bought two more diner cars and put
them in next door to house his art gallery (he makes neon stuff among
other things). There's also a mini golf course there. That part was
kind of odd, IMHO.

I thought it was fun to go to a "famous" diner for dinner, but the
food isn't good enough to justify the half hour it takes to get there
when there's another diner closer to me.

Just my two cents (again),