Mark Thorson wrote:
> Here's a machine I'd never heard of until a few minutes ago.
> It's a food tumbler! Regularly $199, but these
> humanitarians are offering it for only $149!
> Allegedly, the combination of vacuum and tumbling
> allow meats to be marinated in a few minutes,
> rather than hours or days. Vacuum is believable,
> and some vacuum sealing machines offer a way
> to use the vacuum for marination. If the meat
> is submerged and you're pulling a vacuum, how
> does tumbling help? I suppose it may allow you
> to economize on marinade.
Vacuum tumbling marinating is the norm in industrial scale food
production. Tumbling allows you to use less marinade since it tumbles
the food through the marinade, much like a front load washer uses less
water since it tumbles the clothes through it vs. a top load which has
to use much more water to submerge the clothes fully.