On Wed, 11 Feb 2009 09:35:09 -0700, Gloria P wrote:
> Melba's Jammin' wrote:
>> LaTwerp was in residence for four days last week and on Saturday morning
>> she used my (wood handle, a stand for it, no bowl for it) ulu to cut up
>> the celery for our Minnesota Mooshy Chow Mein. It was perfect for her
> Well...that may be an accepted use for it. I thought they were
> reserved for flensing the blubber off whales and walrus (walruses?)
> in order to render them into oil. (Yeah, I'm from one of the old
> whaling cities and have read Moby Dick in every grade since age 10,
> why do you ask?)
> ;-)
> gloria p
i thought most people skipped the long section on whale processing.
your pal,